Bil Valen 333-274-633

Galactic Power
2,402,031 2.4M
1,377,510 1.4M
1,024,521 1M
Character Zetas
Cere Junda
Determined Assault
Deal Physical damage to target enemy, plus bonus damage equal to 10% of the target's Max Health (max 200%) for each turn an enemy has taken during this encounter. This ability starts on cooldown and can't be evaded. All Unaligned Force User allies gain Defense Penetration Up for 3 turns.

The weakest other Light Side Unaligned Force User ally recovers 50% Health.
Vengeful Bond
Whenever an ally is inflicted with a debuff, if Merrin has 0% Turn Meter, dispel all debuffs from that ally and Merrin gains 25% Turn Meter, which can't be prevented. If Merrin has more than 0% Turn Meter, she gains 10% Turn Meter instead, which can't be prevented.

Whenever an enemy is damaged, all Nightsister allies recover 5% Protection.

Whenever a Nightsister ally is revived, grant all allies Instant Defeat Immunity for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented, and there is a 20% chance (+10% per Relic Amplifier level, max 100% total) to inflict all enemies with 1 stack of Plague for 3 turns at the end of the turn.
Cal Kestis
Not So Fast
Inflict Evasion Down, Speed Down, and Tenacity Down on all enemies for 2 turns and all allies gain Critical Damage Up and Speed Up for 2 turns. All Unaligned Force User allies gain 3% Turn Meter for each debuff resisted by enemies. If an enemy already had Speed Down, they are Stunned for 1 turn.