Dark vadort 898-555-275

Galactic Power
3,131,702 3.1M
1,646,911 1.6M
1,484,791 1.5M
Character Zetas
Darth Vader
No Escape
At the start of each encounter, Darth Vader gains 8 Speed until the end of the encounter for each of the following: Empire ally, Sith ally, Jedi enemy, and Rebel enemy.

Darth Vader is immune to Turn Meter reduction and recovers 5% Health and 2% Protection whenever a Damage Over Time effect on an enemy expires. Whenever Darth Vader activates Merciless Massacre, dispel Stealth from all enemies.
Merciless Massacre
Gain Merciless and take a bonus turn after this one. All enemies gain Merciless Target, which can't be evaded or resisted. When Darth Vader uses an ability, Merciless Target is removed from the target enemy and Darth Vader takes a bonus turn. If the target did not have Merciless Target, Merciless expires and Merciless Target is removed from all remaining enemies. Darth Vader can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies with Merciless Target.

Merciless: +50% Offense (does not stack with Offense Up), +50% Critical Chance, and +50% Critical Damage; immune to Fear, Stun, and Turn Meter manipulation and Darth Vader's bonus turns do not trigger other characters' effects based on bonus turns or Turn Meter gain

Merciless Target: Darth Vader must target a unit with this or a taunt effect, can ignore Taunt to target this unit, and takes a bonus turn after using an ability while targeting this unit
Inspiring Through Fear
Empire and Sith allies have +30% Offense and have a 50% chance to remove 20% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. This Turn Meter removal can't be Resisted. While Darth Vader is alive, enemies immediately regain Damage Over Time for 2 turns whenever Damage Over Time expires on them.
On The Hunt
All Bounty Hunters gain +50% Max Protection and +50% Tenacity. All Bounty Hunter allies gain +100% Defense while at full Health. Whenever an enemy suffers a debuff or Resists, all Bounty Hunter allies recover 5% Health and Protection. When Bossk is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

[c][F0FF23]Contract: Deal damage to the weakest enemy 10 times. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

[c][F0FF23]Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies gain +50 Speed for the rest of battle and their Payouts are activated.
Trandoshan Rage
Bossk has +50% Defense and +50% Max Health while he has Taunt and gains +50% Offense and +50% Health Steal while attacking buffed enemies. When Bossk loses Taunt, he gains Taunt for 1 turn if the weakest enemy has Protection.
The Mandalorian
Asset Acquisition
All Scoundrel allies have +20 Speed, +35% Tenacity, and +30% Critical Chance. When the Mandalorian is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

[c][F0FF23]Contract: While buffed, score critical hits against enemies 20 times. (Only Bounty Hunter abilities can contribute to this Contract)

[c][F0FF23]Reward: For the rest of the battle, all Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated and gain the following: while a Bounty Hunter ally is attacking, they have +20% Offense and Health Steal for each buffed ally.
Disciplined Bounty Hunter
Each time the Mandalorian scores a critical hit, he gains 30% Turn Meter and other Bounty Hunter allies gain half that amount. At the start of encounter, the Mandalorian has Bounty Hunter's Resolve until he is defeated.
Greef Karga
Bring Them in Cold
Dispel all buffs on target enemy, which can't be evaded. Then call all other Bounty Hunter allies to assist. Allies with Payouts active deal 30% more damage. If the enemy is defeated by this ability, Bounty Hunter allies gain Offense Up, Defense Penetration Up, Critical Damage Up, Critical Chance Up, and Health Steal Up for 3 turns.
Sweeten the Deal
Dispel all debuffs on Bounty Hunter allies. All Bounty Hunter allies gain Retribution for 2 turns and recover 25% Health and Protection, doubled if they have a Payout active. Allies with Payouts active gain Tenacity Up for 2 turns and 50% Turn Meter.
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor of the Galactic Empire
Empire and Sith allies have +35% Potency and 35% Max Health. Jedi and Rebel enemies have -35% Potency and -35% Evasion. When an Empire ally inflicts a debuff during their turn, they gain 20% Turn Meter. When a Sith ally inflicts a debuff during their turn, they recover 20% Health. When a debuff on an enemy expires, Empire and Sith allies gain 5% Turn Meter.
Crackling Doom
While Palpatine is active, at the start of each enemy turn, they take damage equal to 20% of their Max Health for each of the following: they are Shocked; they are a Jedi; they are a Rebel. This damage can't defeat enemies. Palpatine has +50% Max Protection, and, when he inflicts Shock, he gains 5% Max Protection until the end of the encounter.
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Legendary Strategist
Empire allies have +15% Max Protection, +25% Offense, and gain 20% Turn Meter whenever they Resist a detrimental effect or suffer a debuff. Whenever an Empire ally gains or loses a status effect, they recover 2% Protection. Empire allies gain a new Special ability, Maneuver: Dispel all debuffs on this character and gain 50% Turn Meter (Cooldown 3).
Ebb and Flow
Thrawn has +100% Counter Chance, +100% Tenacity, and -50% Speed while any enemies are Fractured. Whenever another Empire ally uses a Special ability while Thrawn is active, that ally gains 15% Turn Meter and, if any enemies are Fractured, Thrawn and Fractured enemies lose 15% Turn Meter.
Grand Moff Tarkin
Tighten the Grip
Empire allies gain 30 Speed. Inflict Defense Down and Expose for 2 turns on enemies that fall below 100% Health during Empire allies' turn. This effect can't be Resisted.
Callous Conviction
Grand Moff Tarkin gains Defense equal to his Potency Percentage and 20% Potency per debuffed enemy.
Boba Fett
Bounty Hunter's Resolve
At the start of encounter, and whenever he defeats an enemy, Boba Fett recovers 100% Protection and gains Bounty Hunter's Resolve until he is defeated.

Bounty Hunter's Resolve: This unit ignores Taunt effects during his turn. When defeated, revive at 100% Health. Can't be Dispelled, prevented, or stacked.
Child's Favor
At the start of battle, IG-11 gains Max Protection equal to 20% of his Max Health. If Kuiil is an ally, IG-11 gains 40% instead and Taunts for 2 turns at the start of each encounter.

Whenever another Droid or Scoundrel ally attacks during an enemy turn, IG-11 assists (limit once per ally per turn).

At the start of IG-11's turn, he dispels all debuffs from Droid and Scoundrel allies. For each debuff dispelled this way, IG-11 inflicts Damage Over Time for 2 turns on a random enemy, which can't be evaded.
Hera Syndulla
Play to Strengths
Call another target ally to assist. That ally's attack has +50% Potency and deals 35% more damage. If target ally is Phoenix, dispel all debuffs on them, reduce their cooldowns by 1, and grant them 50% Turn Meter.
Ezra Bridger
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. If the enemy had no buffs, this attack's cooldown is reduced by 1 and Ezra gains 75% Turn Meter instead. Ezra gains Defense Up for 2 turns.
Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand
Ultimate Predator
Dispel all buffs and inflict Stun and Vulnerable for 1 turn on target enemy. Then, deal Special damage to all enemies and inflict Tenacity Down for 1 turn. This ability deals double damage to Shocked enemies and Jedi.
Infiltrate and Disrupt
Deal Special damage to all enemies and inflict Offense Down, Shock, and Stagger for 2 turns. Mara Jade gains Stealth for 2 turns and 1.25% Turn Meter for each debuff inflicted by this ability. If Emperor Palpatine is the leader, he also gains 1.25% Turn Meter for each debuff inflicted by this ability.