Arctrooper66 169-766-569

Galactic Power
1,114,045 1.1M
646,400 646.4K
467,645 467.6K
Character Zetas
Darth Vader
Merciless Massacre
Gain Merciless and take a bonus turn after this one. All enemies gain Merciless Target, which can't be evaded or resisted. When Darth Vader uses an ability, Merciless Target is removed from the target enemy and Darth Vader takes a bonus turn. If the target did not have Merciless Target, Merciless expires and Merciless Target is removed from all remaining enemies. Darth Vader can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies with Merciless Target.

Merciless: +50% Offense (does not stack with Offense Up), +50% Critical Chance, and +50% Critical Damage; immune to Fear, Stun, and Turn Meter manipulation and Darth Vader's bonus turns do not trigger other characters' effects based on bonus turns or Turn Meter gain

Merciless Target: Darth Vader must target a unit with this or a taunt effect, can ignore Taunt to target this unit, and takes a bonus turn after using an ability while targeting this unit
General Hux
Boundless Ambition
General Hux gains Advantage for 2 turns at the start of each encounter. If the allied leader is First Order, all other First Order allies also gain Advantage for 2 turns at the start of each encounter.

If all allies are First Order at the start of battle, enemies can't gain bonus Turn Meter while General Hux has Advantage.
On The Hunt
All Bounty Hunters gain +50% Max Protection and +50% Tenacity. All Bounty Hunter allies gain +100% Defense while at full Health. Whenever an enemy suffers a debuff or Resists, all Bounty Hunter allies recover 5% Health and Protection. When Bossk is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

[c][F0FF23]Contract: Deal damage to the weakest enemy 10 times. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

[c][F0FF23]Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies gain +50 Speed for the rest of battle and their Payouts are activated.