Grenhal 346-984-926

Galactic Power
1,358,248 1.4M
796,347 796.3K
561,901 561.9K
Character Zetas
Grand Master Yoda
Battle Meditation
Yoda gains Tenacity Up, Protection Up (30%), and Foresight for 2 turns, then grants each ally every non-unique buff he has (excluding Stealth and Taunt) for 2 turns. Yoda grants himself +35% Turn Meter and an additional +10% Turn Meter for each other living Jedi ally.
Grand Master's Guidance
Jedi allies have +30% Tenacity. Whenever a Jedi ally Resists a debuff, they gain the following: 30% Turn Meter, Critical Chance Up for 2 turns, and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. Whenever they suffer a debuff, they gain Tenacity Up for 1 turn at the end of that turn. Grand Master Yoda is immune to Shock.
Bastila Shan
At the start of the battle, Jedi allies gain 15% Turn Meter and Protection Up (200%, can't be dispelled), and Jedi Tank allies Taunt for 1 turn. While Jedi allies have Protection Up, they have +150% Tenacity and deal 35% more damage.
Darth Maul
Dancing Shadows
All Sith allies gain 20% Evasion, gain 20% Turn Meter and Stealth for 1 turn at the start of each encounter and whenever they Evade or are Critically Hit, can't be Critically Hit while Stealthed, and gain Advantage for 2 turns whenever Stealth expires. The Stealth and Turn Meter from this ability ignores Taunting allies.