Ouille 814-529-227

Galactic Power
2,570,009 2.6M
1,599,238 1.6M
970,771 970.8K
Character Zetas
Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand
Ultimate Predator
Dispel all buffs and inflict Stun and Vulnerable for 1 turn on target enemy. Then, deal Special damage to all enemies and inflict Tenacity Down for 1 turn. This ability deals double damage to Shocked enemies and Jedi.
Rey (Jedi Training)
Inspirational Presence
Resistance allies have +30% Critical Chance and +30% Critical Damage. When they score a Critical Hit, they have a 70% chance to inflict Expose for 2 turns (this effect can't be Resisted). Resistance allies gain 10% Turn Meter when an enemy is Exposed.

When a Resistance ally uses a Special ability:
- All Exposed enemies lose 5% Turn Meter (this effect can't be Resisted)
- If the Resistance ally has no debuffs, reduce their Cooldowns by 1
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor of the Galactic Empire
Empire and Sith allies have +35% Potency and 35% Max Health. Jedi and Rebel enemies have -35% Potency and -35% Evasion. When an Empire ally inflicts a debuff during their turn, they gain 20% Turn Meter. When a Sith ally inflicts a debuff during their turn, they recover 20% Health. When a debuff on an enemy expires, Empire and Sith allies gain 5% Turn Meter.
General Veers
Aggressive Tactician
Whenever an enemy is defeated while Veers is active, Imperial Trooper allies gain Offense Up for 2 turns, gain 50% Turn Meter, and recover 10% Protection.

While Veers is active, Imperial Trooper allies have +15% Critical Chance.
Admiral Piett
The Emperor's Trap
Admiral Piett has +60% counter chance. Piett gains 5% Turn Meter whenever another Empire ally takes damage.

Whenever an Empire ally begins a turn or attacks out of turn, all Empire allies gain a stack of The Emperor's Trap until the start of the next enemy turn, non-Empire ally's turn, or the end of battle. The Emperor's Trap can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

If Darth Vader is an ally: Darth Vader and Admiral Piett have +20% Accuracy, Potency, and Tenacity.

The Emperor's Trap: +6% Offense and Potency per stack
Darth Vader
Merciless Massacre
Gain Merciless and take a bonus turn after this one. All enemies gain Merciless Target, which can't be evaded or resisted. When Darth Vader uses an ability, Merciless Target is removed from the target enemy and Darth Vader takes a bonus turn. If the target did not have Merciless Target, Merciless expires and Merciless Target is removed from all remaining enemies. Darth Vader can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies with Merciless Target.

Merciless: +50% Offense (does not stack with Offense Up), +50% Critical Chance, and +50% Critical Damage; immune to Fear, Stun, and Turn Meter manipulation and Darth Vader's bonus turns do not trigger other characters' effects based on bonus turns or Turn Meter gain

Merciless Target: Darth Vader must target a unit with this or a taunt effect, can ignore Taunt to target this unit, and takes a bonus turn after using an ability while targeting this unit