Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. If the enemy had no buffs, this attack's cooldown is reduced by 1 and Ezra gains 75% Turn Meter instead. Ezra gains Defense Up for 2 turns.
Cathar Resilience
Juhani recovers 20% of her Max Health at the beginning of each of her turns. While Taunting, Juhani has +35% Counter Chance.
When Juhani drops below 100% Health, she recovers 5% Protection for each active Jedi or Old Republic ally, then gains Offense Up, Health Steal Up and Stealth for 2 turns. If Juhani is Taunting when this condition is met, she loses Taunt.
Total Defense
Dispel all debuffs on Phoenix allies and grant them Defense Up for 3 turns. Kanan grants himself and another target ally Foresight and Protection Up (40%) for 2 turns. When each of these Foresights expire, Kanan gains 100% Turn Meter and other Phoenix allies gain 50% Turn Meter.
Me and Big Z Forever
Mission has +50% Offense. If Zaalbar is present, he also gains this bonus. Once per turn, Mission Assists when Zaalbar uses an ability. When Zaalbar takes damage from an attack, Mission gains 10% Offense (stacking) for 2 turns. When Mission deals damage to an enemy, Zaalbar recovers 10% Health.