Compassion is Weakness
Sith allies have +40% Critical Avoidance and +40% Potency. When a debuffed enemy takes damage, all Sith allies recover 10% Health. When an enemy uses an ability outside of their turn, they take damage equal to 35% of their Max Health. This damage can't defeat enemies. When an enemy gains a buff outside of their turn, they lose 50% Offense until the end of their next turn.
Lord of Betrayal
When an ally suffers a debuff, Darth Traya gains +10% Bonus Protection (stacking) until the end of her next turn. At the start of each Sith ally's turn, Traya dispels all debuffs on them and deals damage equal to 5% of their Max Health (max 75%) for each debuff dispelled. When allied Darth Nihilus or Darth Sion are critically hit or inflicted with a debuff, Traya gains +12% Offense (stacking) for 2 turns.
Strength of the Void
Sith allies gain 60% Offense and 150% Health Steal. Sith allies lose all Protection and gain that much Max Health. Sith allies are immune to Healing effects that aren't Health Steal and can't score Critical Hits.
Lord of Hunger
At the start of each of his turns, Nihilus inflicts Damage Over Time for 2 turns on a random enemy that doesn't have any debuffs. If all enemies are debuffed, inflict Damage Over Time on a random enemy. At the start of each enemy turn, Nihilus inflicts Health Down on them for 2 turns. When allied Darth Sion or Darth Traya are inflicted with a debuff, Nihilus gains 10% Turn Meter and +30% Max Health (stacking) until the end of the encounter.
Inspiring Through Fear
Empire and Sith allies have +30% Offense and have a 50% chance to remove 20% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. This Turn Meter removal can't be Resisted. While Darth Vader is alive, enemies immediately regain Damage Over Time for 2 turns whenever Damage Over Time expires on them.
Dancing Shadows
All Sith allies gain 20% Evasion, gain 20% Turn Meter and Stealth for 1 turn at the start of each encounter and whenever they Evade or are Critically Hit, can't be Critically Hit while Stealthed, and gain Advantage for 2 turns whenever Stealth expires. The Stealth and Turn Meter from this ability ignores Taunting allies.
Emperor of the Galactic Empire
Empire and Sith allies have +35% Potency and 35% Max Health. Jedi and Rebel enemies have -35% Potency and -35% Evasion. When an Empire ally inflicts a debuff during their turn, they gain 20% Turn Meter. When a Sith ally inflicts a debuff during their turn, they recover 20% Health. When a debuff on an enemy expires, Empire and Sith allies gain 5% Turn Meter.