Maitre KO 332-398-381

Galactic Power
626,786 626.8K
381,144 381.1K
245,642 245.6K
Character Zetas
Iden Versio
First In, Last Out
If no other allies have the Leader tag, and all allies are non-Droid Imperial Troopers, Iden gains 100% Turn Meter at the start of each encounter, and whenever she is defeated she revives with 100% Health and Protection if there is another active Imperial Trooper ally.

While Iden has Protection Up, she has +30% Potency; while she is active, Imperial Trooper allies have +30% Offense.
Geonosian Brood Alpha
Queen's Will
Geonosian Brood Alpha has +60% Tenacity. All Geonosian allies have the Hive Mind buff while Geonosian Brood Alpha is active, which can't be dispelled or prevented. When another Geonosian ally is defeated, reduce the cooldown of Conscription by 1. At the start of the encounter, summon a Geonosian Brute who Taunts for 1 turn.

Hive Mind: Assist whenever another Geonosian ally uses an ability during his turn, dealing 50% less damage; equalize Health and Protection with Hive Mind allies whenever an enemy uses an ability