Fails: Only the 1st and 2nd fails against a team are counted, other fails are ignored.
Player | Squad | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | Speed | Offense | Critical Damage | Critical Chance | Potency | Tenacity | Health | Protection | |
pcm GP: 123,201 Stats: |
+1,878 Strength +1,269 Agility +1,239 Tactics +70,955 Health +63,106 Protection +296 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +52.98% Potency +56.81% Tenacity +4,505 Physical Damage +54.50% Physical Critical Chance +3,786 Special Damage +12.92% Special Critical Chance +65.00% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +52.93% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+1,307 Strength +2,223 Agility +1,164 Tactics +39,545 Health +54,880 Protection +225 Speed +222.00% Critical Damage +51.70% Potency +48.95% Tenacity +6,132 Physical Damage +77.88% Physical Critical Chance +3,918 Special Damage +25.51% Special Critical Chance +44.05% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +32.43% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Jango Fett
+1,448 Strength +2,015 Agility +1,152 Tactics +55,685 Health +50,535 Protection +203 Speed +186.00% Critical Damage +60.54% Potency +50.40% Tenacity +5,739 Physical Damage +89.01% Physical Critical Chance +3,788 Special Damage +37.93% Special Critical Chance +45.44% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +21.00% Physical Critical Avoidance +28.97% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance +21.00% Special Critical Avoidance XII
The Mandalorian
+865 Strength +1,116 Agility +475 Tactics +32,278 Health +39,373 Protection +197 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +47.89% Potency +45.30% Tenacity +2,845 Physical Damage +40.27% Physical Critical Chance +1,397 Special Damage +13.11% Special Critical Chance +31.34% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +13.68% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Greef Karga
+1,858 Strength +1,072 Agility +1,078 Tactics +57,096 Health +52,645 Protection +255 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +36.35% Potency +57.22% Tenacity +4,602 Physical Damage +43.97% Physical Critical Chance +3,034 Special Damage +13.60% Special Critical Chance +54.51% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +40.94% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
225 | 6,132 | 222.00% | 77.88% | 51.70% | 48.95% | 39,545 | 54,880 | 296 | 4,505 | 150.00% | 54.50% | 52.98% | 56.81% | 70,955 | 63,106 | 255 | 4,602 | 150.00% | 43.97% | 36.35% | 57.22% | 57,096 | 52,645 | 203 | 5,739 | 186.00% | 89.01% | 60.54% | 50.40% | 55,685 | 50,535 | 197 | 2,845 | 216.00% | 40.27% | 47.89% | 45.30% | 32,278 | 39,373 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tmaxdu45 GP: 110,572 Stats: |
+2,039 Strength +1,413 Agility +1,392 Tactics +55,739 Health +99,462 Protection +281 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +52.08% Potency +59.95% Tenacity +4,550 Physical Damage +58.92% Physical Critical Chance +4,016 Special Damage +14.92% Special Critical Chance +59.10% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +44.69% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+1,460 Strength +2,401 Agility +1,308 Tactics +44,131 Health +59,447 Protection +205 Speed +187.50% Critical Damage +52.20% Potency +50.29% Tenacity +6,245 Physical Damage +88.53% Physical Critical Chance +4,172 Special Damage +33.19% Special Critical Chance +46.63% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +34.45% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Cad Bane
+1,729 Strength +2,246 Agility +1,492 Tactics +50,502 Health +61,303 Protection +133 Speed +187.50% Critical Damage +66.68% Potency +38.60% Tenacity +5,797 Physical Damage +79.50% Physical Critical Chance +4,599 Special Damage +21.21% Special Critical Chance +47.60% Armor +10.75% Dodge Chance +34.85% Resistance +10.75% Deflection Chance XII
+789 Strength +1,220 Agility +676 Tactics +16,892 Health +39,069 Protection +177 Speed +180.00% Critical Damage +20.70% Potency +31.98% Tenacity +2,943 Physical Damage +70.02% Physical Critical Chance +2,083 Special Damage +40.43% Special Critical Chance +29.91% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +22.59% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+1,195 Strength +584 Agility +496 Tactics +25,848 Health +52,988 Protection +127 Speed +180.00% Critical Damage +43.00% Potency +31.31% Tenacity +2,954 Physical Damage +48.64% Physical Critical Chance +1,486 Special Damage +28.35% Special Critical Chance +35.96% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +30.06% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
205 | 6,245 | 187.50% | 88.53% | 52.20% | 50.29% | 44,131 | 59,447 | 281 | 4,550 | 150.00% | 58.92% | 52.08% | 59.95% | 55,739 | 99,462 | 133 | 5,797 | 187.50% | 79.50% | 66.68% | 38.60% | 50,502 | 61,303 | 127 | 2,954 | 180.00% | 48.64% | 43.00% | 31.31% | 25,848 | 52,988 | 177 | 2,943 | 180.00% | 70.02% | 20.70% | 31.98% | 16,892 | 39,069 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ghorghor bey GP: 102,069 Stats: |
Boba Fett
+1,307 Strength +2,223 Agility +1,164 Tactics +40,231 Health +55,386 Protection +252 Speed +222.00% Critical Damage +49.00% Potency +45.00% Tenacity +5,897 Physical Damage +84.70% Physical Critical Chance +3,692 Special Damage +32.33% Special Critical Chance +42.54% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +30.14% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+1,104 Strength +680 Agility +701 Tactics +29,281 Health +41,292 Protection +258 Speed +186.00% Critical Damage +29.62% Potency +47.41% Tenacity +2,874 Physical Damage +35.64% Physical Critical Chance +2,264 Special Damage +19.89% Special Critical Chance +39.77% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +32.22% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Jango Fett
+911 Strength +1,034 Agility +648 Tactics +27,453 Health +46,984 Protection +200 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +53.46% Potency +35.83% Tenacity +3,211 Physical Damage +52.14% Physical Critical Chance +1,812 Special Damage +26.27% Special Critical Chance +31.41% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +17.26% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Greef Karga
+1,132 Strength +597 Agility +603 Tactics +30,505 Health +70,231 Protection +188 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +24.42% Potency +47.71% Tenacity +3,017 Physical Damage +41.54% Physical Critical Chance +1,575 Special Damage +20.34% Special Critical Chance +30.37% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +27.68% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
The Mandalorian
+865 Strength +1,116 Agility +475 Tactics +25,506 Health +33,532 Protection +197 Speed +194.25% Critical Damage +50.62% Potency +39.83% Tenacity +2,845 Physical Damage +43.67% Physical Critical Chance +1,322 Special Damage +16.51% Special Critical Chance +31.34% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +13.68% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
252 | 5,897 | 222.00% | 84.70% | 49.00% | 45.00% | 40,231 | 55,386 | 258 | 2,874 | 186.00% | 35.64% | 29.62% | 47.41% | 29,281 | 41,292 | 188 | 3,017 | 150.00% | 41.54% | 24.42% | 47.71% | 30,505 | 70,231 | 200 | 3,211 | 216.00% | 52.14% | 53.46% | 35.83% | 27,453 | 46,984 | 197 | 2,845 | 194.25% | 43.67% | 50.62% | 39.83% | 25,506 | 33,532 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cricri 61 GP: 139,964 Stats: |
+2,362 Strength +1,702 Agility +1,698 Tactics +68,798 Health +114,933 Protection +241 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +56.10% Potency +65.78% Tenacity +5,243 Physical Damage +62.95% Physical Critical Chance +4,999 Special Damage +14.16% Special Critical Chance +66.19% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +50.60% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
+2,220 Strength +1,423 Agility +1,294 Tactics +50,962 Health +72,592 Protection +189 Speed +222.00% Critical Damage +60.56% Potency +61.36% Tenacity +6,452 Physical Damage +65.83% Physical Critical Chance +4,478 Special Damage +20.50% Special Critical Chance +54.42% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +35.51% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Cad Bane
+1,729 Strength +2,246 Agility +1,492 Tactics +50,079 Health +61,823 Protection +172 Speed +223.50% Critical Damage +70.01% Potency +41.39% Tenacity +5,243 Physical Damage +92.34% Physical Critical Chance +4,152 Special Damage +34.05% Special Critical Chance +48.19% Armor +10.75% Dodge Chance +34.85% Resistance +10.75% Deflection Chance 85
Zam Wesell
+1,582 Strength +2,247 Agility +1,316 Tactics +52,329 Health +63,472 Protection +255 Speed +157.50% Critical Damage +96.53% Potency +61.36% Tenacity +6,692 Physical Damage +78.72% Physical Critical Chance +4,738 Special Damage +30.56% Special Critical Chance +44.35% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +31.93% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+1,460 Strength +2,401 Agility +1,308 Tactics +45,014 Health +59,264 Protection +199 Speed +229.50% Critical Damage +57.63% Potency +51.73% Tenacity +6,861 Physical Damage +85.97% Physical Critical Chance +4,613 Special Damage +30.64% Special Critical Chance +50.75% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +37.96% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
199 | 6,861 | 229.50% | 85.97% | 57.63% | 51.73% | 45,014 | 59,264 | 241 | 5,243 | 150.00% | 62.95% | 56.10% | 65.78% | 68,798 | 114,933 | 172 | 5,243 | 223.50% | 92.34% | 70.01% | 41.39% | 50,079 | 61,823 | 189 | 6,452 | 222.00% | 65.83% | 60.56% | 61.36% | 50,962 | 72,592 | 255 | 6,692 | 157.50% | 78.72% | 96.53% | 61.36% | 52,329 | 63,472 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mandalorien71 GP: 102,348 Stats: |
+1,266 Strength +767 Agility +703 Tactics +40,259 Health +88,684 Protection +241 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +50.00% Potency +60.53% Tenacity +3,412 Physical Damage +48.99% Physical Critical Chance +2,253 Special Damage +15.79% Special Critical Chance +49.46% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +40.50% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+772 Strength +1,534 Agility +662 Tactics +28,971 Health +53,558 Protection +216 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +57.13% Potency +50.14% Tenacity +4,288 Physical Damage +66.14% Physical Critical Chance +1,851 Special Damage +25.27% Special Critical Chance +37.59% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +29.67% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Greef Karga
+1,382 Strength +637 Agility +643 Tactics +35,566 Health +74,438 Protection +224 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +36.06% Potency +48.57% Tenacity +3,756 Physical Damage +37.41% Physical Critical Chance +1,801 Special Damage +14.28% Special Critical Chance +40.94% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +28.49% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Jango Fett
+913 Strength +1,326 Agility +650 Tactics +35,790 Health +57,923 Protection +238 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +62.42% Potency +49.46% Tenacity +3,840 Physical Damage +72.49% Physical Critical Chance +1,689 Special Damage +32.90% Special Critical Chance +36.60% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +22.49% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
The Mandalorian
+907 Strength +1,348 Agility +517 Tactics +44,184 Health +41,378 Protection +204 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +65.66% Potency +75.69% Tenacity +3,926 Physical Damage +59.27% Physical Critical Chance +1,491 Special Damage +17.18% Special Critical Chance +33.42% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +14.83% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
2 fights |
216 | 4,288 | 216.00% | 66.14% | 57.13% | 50.14% | 28,971 | 53,558 | 241 | 3,412 | 150.00% | 48.99% | 50.00% | 60.53% | 40,259 | 88,684 | 224 | 3,756 | 150.00% | 37.41% | 36.06% | 48.57% | 35,566 | 74,438 | 238 | 3,840 | 216.00% | 72.49% | 62.42% | 49.46% | 35,790 | 57,923 | 204 | 3,926 | 216.00% | 59.27% | 65.66% | 75.69% | 44,184 | 41,378 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hersh Bathens GP: 113,349 Stats: |
+1,716 Strength +1,124 Agility +1,086 Tactics +55,398 Health +61,449 Protection +232 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +52.96% Potency +58.40% Tenacity +4,151 Physical Damage +60.25% Physical Critical Chance +3,310 Special Damage +21.08% Special Critical Chance +59.07% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +45.95% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
The Mandalorian
+865 Strength +1,116 Agility +475 Tactics +28,441 Health +34,949 Protection +144 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +47.71% Potency +39.44% Tenacity +3,013 Physical Damage +42.04% Physical Critical Chance +1,516 Special Damage +14.87% Special Critical Chance +34.38% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +18.53% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Boba Fett
+730 Strength +1,240 Agility +620 Tactics +24,142 Health +37,576 Protection +175 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +44.13% Potency +41.91% Tenacity +3,373 Physical Damage +61.08% Physical Critical Chance +1,812 Special Damage +30.45% Special Critical Chance +33.07% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +30.37% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Jango Fett
+801 Strength +1,034 Agility +548 Tactics +22,441 Health +38,821 Protection +166 Speed +180.00% Critical Damage +54.92% Potency +70.07% Tenacity +3,204 Physical Damage +47.82% Physical Critical Chance +1,610 Special Damage +24.45% Special Critical Chance +31.56% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +21.25% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+789 Strength +1,220 Agility +676 Tactics +17,170 Health +40,817 Protection +185 Speed +186.00% Critical Damage +31.70% Potency +29.83% Tenacity +2,874 Physical Damage +58.15% Physical Critical Chance +2,003 Special Damage +28.56% Special Critical Chance +28.73% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +21.34% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
175 | 3,373 | 150.00% | 61.08% | 44.13% | 41.91% | 24,142 | 37,576 | 232 | 4,151 | 150.00% | 60.25% | 52.96% | 58.40% | 55,398 | 61,449 | 185 | 2,874 | 186.00% | 58.15% | 31.70% | 29.83% | 17,170 | 40,817 | 166 | 3,204 | 180.00% | 47.82% | 54.92% | 70.07% | 22,441 | 38,821 | 144 | 3,013 | 216.00% | 42.04% | 47.71% | 39.44% | 28,441 | 34,949 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
celleslà lake GP: 120,811 Stats: |
+1,716 Strength +1,124 Agility +1,086 Tactics +51,701 Health +98,328 Protection +226 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +63.20% Potency +64.37% Tenacity +4,627 Physical Damage +65.32% Physical Critical Chance +3,744 Special Damage +26.16% Special Critical Chance +56.71% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +43.86% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+1,154 Strength +2,044 Agility +1,019 Tactics +37,469 Health +54,979 Protection +238 Speed +226.50% Critical Damage +60.21% Potency +60.11% Tenacity +6,127 Physical Damage +77.56% Physical Critical Chance +3,611 Special Damage +28.18% Special Critical Chance +44.49% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +32.72% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Greef Karga
+1,132 Strength +597 Agility +603 Tactics +29,452 Health +73,643 Protection +234 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +35.14% Potency +44.81% Tenacity +3,135 Physical Damage +38.81% Physical Critical Chance +1,693 Special Damage +17.60% Special Critical Chance +31.64% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +29.05% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
The Mandalorian
+865 Strength +1,116 Agility +475 Tactics +25,533 Health +38,175 Protection +183 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +46.09% Potency +39.19% Tenacity +2,961 Physical Damage +38.49% Physical Critical Chance +1,435 Special Damage +11.33% Special Critical Chance +33.90% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +16.72% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+1,195 Strength +584 Agility +496 Tactics +28,687 Health +54,435 Protection +163 Speed +222.00% Critical Damage +47.29% Potency +39.12% Tenacity +2,660 Physical Damage +45.99% Physical Critical Chance +1,324 Special Damage +25.70% Special Critical Chance +34.38% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +28.09% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
238 | 6,127 | 226.50% | 77.56% | 60.21% | 60.11% | 37,469 | 54,979 | 226 | 4,627 | 150.00% | 65.32% | 63.20% | 64.37% | 51,701 | 98,328 | 163 | 2,660 | 222.00% | 45.99% | 47.29% | 39.12% | 28,687 | 54,435 | 234 | 3,135 | 150.00% | 38.81% | 35.14% | 44.81% | 29,452 | 73,643 | 183 | 2,961 | 216.00% | 38.49% | 46.09% | 39.19% | 25,533 | 38,175 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Psyko GP: 118,050 Stats: |
+2,039 Strength +1,413 Agility +1,392 Tactics +64,063 Health +60,320 Protection +223 Speed +192.00% Critical Damage +51.66% Potency +89.47% Tenacity +4,746 Physical Damage +65.50% Physical Critical Chance +4,193 Special Damage +21.50% Special Critical Chance +54.35% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +39.54% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+1,460 Strength +2,401 Agility +1,308 Tactics +46,296 Health +38,652 Protection +206 Speed +187.50% Critical Damage +80.84% Potency +52.20% Tenacity +6,537 Physical Damage +86.61% Physical Critical Chance +4,390 Special Damage +31.27% Special Critical Chance +49.34% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +36.15% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Greef Karga
+2,181 Strength +1,395 Agility +1,401 Tactics +58,885 Health +68,027 Protection +197 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +37.64% Potency +52.79% Tenacity +5,531 Physical Damage +52.65% Physical Critical Chance +4,155 Special Damage +16.86% Special Critical Chance +55.96% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +42.75% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
The Mandalorian
+1,595 Strength +2,215 Agility +1,163 Tactics +57,856 Health +44,884 Protection +180 Speed +187.50% Critical Damage +70.00% Potency +69.52% Tenacity +5,898 Physical Damage +89.95% Physical Critical Chance +3,931 Special Damage +33.41% Special Critical Chance +47.85% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +24.96% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Cad Bane
+1,729 Strength +2,246 Agility +1,492 Tactics +51,605 Health +54,643 Protection +144 Speed +187.50% Critical Damage +37.48% Potency +42.11% Tenacity +5,631 Physical Damage +88.02% Physical Critical Chance +4,476 Special Damage +29.73% Special Critical Chance +51.35% Armor +10.75% Dodge Chance +37.84% Resistance +10.75% Deflection Chance |
2 fights |
206 | 6,537 | 187.50% | 86.61% | 80.84% | 52.20% | 46,296 | 38,652 | 223 | 4,746 | 192.00% | 65.50% | 51.66% | 89.47% | 64,063 | 60,320 | 144 | 5,631 | 187.50% | 88.02% | 37.48% | 42.11% | 51,605 | 54,643 | 197 | 5,531 | 150.00% | 52.65% | 37.64% | 52.79% | 58,885 | 68,027 | 180 | 5,898 | 187.50% | 89.95% | 70.00% | 69.52% | 57,856 | 44,884 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zeke Aigus GP: 119,065 Stats: |
+1,716 Strength +1,124 Agility +1,086 Tactics +55,837 Health +68,569 Protection +206 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +58.33% Potency +58.85% Tenacity +4,328 Physical Damage +79.81% Physical Critical Chance +3,444 Special Damage +40.64% Special Critical Chance +59.28% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +46.94% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+1,154 Strength +2,044 Agility +1,019 Tactics +38,921 Health +55,080 Protection +181 Speed +226.50% Critical Damage +63.85% Potency +62.05% Tenacity +6,200 Physical Damage +71.88% Physical Critical Chance +3,668 Special Damage +22.50% Special Critical Chance +48.02% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +36.91% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Jango Fett
+1,295 Strength +1,836 Agility +1,007 Tactics +43,325 Health +50,505 Protection +192 Speed +184.50% Critical Damage +69.56% Potency +44.63% Tenacity +5,585 Physical Damage +70.63% Physical Critical Chance +3,362 Special Damage +22.55% Special Critical Chance +44.69% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +29.67% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+1,195 Strength +584 Agility +496 Tactics +26,698 Health +61,907 Protection +122 Speed +180.00% Critical Damage +43.19% Potency +35.32% Tenacity +2,956 Physical Damage +51.27% Physical Critical Chance +1,630 Special Damage +30.98% Special Critical Chance +34.92% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +28.17% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
The Mandalorian
+865 Strength +1,116 Agility +475 Tactics +27,230 Health +34,895 Protection +160 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +48.21% Potency +43.44% Tenacity +3,129 Physical Damage +40.42% Physical Critical Chance +1,613 Special Damage +13.26% Special Critical Chance +31.64% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +13.91% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
181 | 6,200 | 226.50% | 71.88% | 63.85% | 62.05% | 38,921 | 55,080 | 206 | 4,328 | 150.00% | 79.81% | 58.33% | 58.85% | 55,837 | 68,569 | 122 | 2,956 | 180.00% | 51.27% | 43.19% | 35.32% | 26,698 | 61,907 | 192 | 5,585 | 184.50% | 70.63% | 69.56% | 44.63% | 43,325 | 50,505 | 160 | 3,129 | 216.00% | 40.42% | 48.21% | 43.44% | 27,230 | 34,895 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maitre Goku GP: 129,037 Stats: |
+2,039 Strength +1,413 Agility +1,392 Tactics +66,901 Health +60,745 Protection +179 Speed +186.00% Critical Damage +61.61% Potency +84.45% Tenacity +4,625 Physical Damage +71.74% Physical Critical Chance +4,088 Special Damage +27.74% Special Critical Chance +60.04% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +46.04% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+1,460 Strength +2,401 Agility +1,308 Tactics +53,330 Health +45,703 Protection +193 Speed +157.50% Critical Damage +69.36% Potency +72.34% Tenacity +6,470 Physical Damage +78.07% Physical Critical Chance +4,375 Special Damage +22.74% Special Critical Chance +49.66% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +35.96% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
+1,214 Strength +2,042 Agility +1,075 Tactics +43,199 Health +55,856 Protection +167 Speed +190.50% Critical Damage +47.32% Potency +57.50% Tenacity +5,413 Physical Damage +77.45% Physical Critical Chance +3,677 Special Damage +29.41% Special Critical Chance +46.13% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +34.11% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
+1,736 Strength +938 Agility +810 Tactics +44,206 Health +61,579 Protection +153 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +79.74% Potency +49.01% Tenacity +5,079 Physical Damage +74.71% Physical Critical Chance +2,689 Special Damage +37.46% Special Critical Chance +51.47% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +33.28% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Cad Bane
+1,729 Strength +2,246 Agility +1,492 Tactics +56,781 Health +54,026 Protection +136 Speed +157.50% Critical Damage +67.80% Potency +41.29% Tenacity +5,505 Physical Damage +88.39% Physical Critical Chance +4,367 Special Damage +30.10% Special Critical Chance +55.18% Armor +10.75% Dodge Chance +42.07% Resistance +10.75% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
193 | 6,470 | 157.50% | 78.07% | 69.36% | 72.34% | 53,330 | 45,703 | 179 | 4,625 | 186.00% | 71.74% | 61.61% | 84.45% | 66,901 | 60,745 | 136 | 5,505 | 157.50% | 88.39% | 67.80% | 41.29% | 56,781 | 54,026 | 153 | 5,079 | 150.00% | 74.71% | 79.74% | 49.01% | 44,206 | 61,579 | 167 | 5,413 | 190.50% | 77.45% | 47.32% | 57.50% | 43,199 | 55,856 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sponge GP: 140,178 Stats: |
+2,039 Strength +1,413 Agility +1,392 Tactics +65,393 Health +94,837 Protection +171 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +50.00% Potency +59.33% Tenacity +4,762 Physical Damage +66.17% Physical Critical Chance +4,203 Special Damage +22.17% Special Critical Chance +63.39% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +35.00% Physical Critical Avoidance +51.98% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance +35.00% Special Critical Avoidance 85
Boba Fett
+1,919 Strength +2,937 Agility +1,742 Tactics +63,197 Health +38,182 Protection +180 Speed +168.00% Critical Damage +78.10% Potency +45.00% Tenacity +9,669 Physical Damage +97.95% Physical Critical Chance +7,557 Special Damage +33.70% Special Critical Chance +61.42% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +48.19% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
+2,220 Strength +1,423 Agility +1,294 Tactics +54,907 Health +58,791 Protection +136 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +54.05% Potency +53.65% Tenacity +6,409 Physical Damage +61.42% Physical Critical Chance +4,460 Special Damage +16.09% Special Critical Chance +52.30% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +24.00% Physical Critical Avoidance +34.78% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance +24.00% Special Critical Avoidance 85
+1,520 Strength +2,399 Agility +1,364 Tactics +58,172 Health +60,103 Protection +199 Speed +157.50% Critical Damage +35.26% Potency +54.06% Tenacity +6,812 Physical Damage +83.13% Physical Critical Chance +5,156 Special Damage +29.13% Special Critical Chance +51.58% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +37.65% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Aurra Sing
+1,163 Strength +740 Agility +639 Tactics +25,657 Health +73,441 Protection +161 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +31.35% Potency +53.22% Tenacity +2,599 Physical Damage +52.04% Physical Critical Chance +1,794 Special Damage +28.04% Special Critical Chance +40.23% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +22.59% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
161 | 2,599 | 150.00% | 52.04% | 31.35% | 53.22% | 25,657 | 73,441 | 180 | 9,669 | 168.00% | 97.95% | 78.10% | 45.00% | 63,197 | 38,182 | 171 | 4,762 | 150.00% | 66.17% | 50.00% | 59.33% | 65,393 | 94,837 | 136 | 6,409 | 150.00% | 61.42% | 54.05% | 53.65% | 54,907 | 58,791 | 199 | 6,812 | 157.50% | 83.13% | 35.26% | 54.06% | 58,172 | 60,103 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ALS 5 GP: 95,119 Stats: |
Boba Fett
+1,001 Strength +1,866 Agility +875 Tactics +35,823 Health +37,299 Protection +175 Speed +153.00% Critical Damage +53.95% Potency +48.93% Tenacity +4,923 Physical Damage +62.13% Physical Critical Chance +2,652 Special Damage +15.71% Special Critical Chance +41.54% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +30.59% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Jango Fett
+1,142 Strength +1,658 Agility +863 Tactics +41,438 Health +42,553 Protection +195 Speed +153.00% Critical Damage +69.58% Potency +47.76% Tenacity +4,420 Physical Damage +63.37% Physical Critical Chance +2,422 Special Damage +18.25% Special Critical Chance +37.35% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +22.02% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance IX
Cad Bane
+821 Strength +1,194 Agility +694 Tactics +16,739 Health +37,267 Protection +113 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +26.00% Potency +25.00% Tenacity +2,885 Physical Damage +40.13% Physical Critical Chance +1,740 Special Damage +11.25% Special Critical Chance +24.51% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +18.22% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+789 Strength +1,220 Agility +676 Tactics +16,270 Health +27,993 Protection +127 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +16.00% Potency +28.00% Tenacity +2,531 Physical Damage +42.50% Physical Critical Chance +1,764 Special Damage +12.92% Special Critical Chance +24.78% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +17.48% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
175 | 4,923 | 153.00% | 62.13% | 53.95% | 48.93% | 35,823 | 37,299 | 113 | 2,885 | 150.00% | 40.13% | 26.00% | 25.00% | 16,739 | 37,267 | 127 | 2,531 | 150.00% | 42.50% | 16.00% | 28.00% | 16,270 | 27,993 | 195 | 4,420 | 153.00% | 63.37% | 69.58% | 47.76% | 41,438 | 42,553 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bameiro Guildon GP: 111,542 Stats: |
The Mandalorian
+905 Strength +1,306 Agility +515 Tactics +39,471 Health +34,969 Protection +214 Speed +180.00% Critical Damage +64.00% Potency +78.60% Tenacity +3,878 Physical Damage +49.21% Physical Critical Chance +1,549 Special Damage +11.38% Special Critical Chance +36.15% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +18.63% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Greef Karga
+1,282 Strength +637 Agility +643 Tactics +35,310 Health +64,856 Protection +205 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +36.00% Potency +53.27% Tenacity +3,550 Physical Damage +42.38% Physical Critical Chance +1,860 Special Damage +19.25% Special Critical Chance +36.47% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +24.00% Physical Critical Avoidance +30.82% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance +24.00% Special Critical Avoidance XII
Boba Fett
+730 Strength +1,240 Agility +620 Tactics +17,699 Health +41,907 Protection +161 Speed +180.00% Critical Damage +67.59% Potency +38.00% Tenacity +3,116 Physical Damage +58.31% Physical Critical Chance +1,763 Special Damage +28.94% Special Critical Chance +30.44% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +27.68% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
+1,324 Strength +635 Agility +736 Tactics +67,910 Health +53,694 Protection +233 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +98.89% Potency +58.31% Tenacity +3,542 Physical Damage +41.50% Physical Critical Chance +2,192 Special Damage +24.96% Special Critical Chance +54.77% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +28.01% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
+917 Strength +623 Agility +1,529 Tactics +49,348 Health +44,148 Protection +219 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +103.26% Potency +73.48% Tenacity +2,745 Physical Damage +29.26% Physical Critical Chance +6,488 Special Damage +29.51% Special Critical Chance +31.85% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +41.27% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
161 | 3,116 | 180.00% | 58.31% | 67.59% | 38.00% | 17,699 | 41,907 | 205 | 3,550 | 150.00% | 42.38% | 36.00% | 53.27% | 35,310 | 64,856 | 233 | 3,542 | 150.00% | 41.50% | 98.89% | 58.31% | 67,910 | 53,694 | 219 | 2,745 | 150.00% | 29.26% | 103.26% | 73.48% | 49,348 | 44,148 | 214 | 3,878 | 180.00% | 49.21% | 64.00% | 78.60% | 39,471 | 34,969 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
celleslà lake GP: 109,571 Stats: |
+810 Strength +1,118 Agility +638 Tactics +17,956 Health +52,915 Protection +183 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +37.27% Potency +34.96% Tenacity +2,955 Physical Damage +49.08% Physical Critical Chance +1,830 Special Damage +19.67% Special Critical Chance +28.57% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +20.86% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+791 Strength +1,045 Agility +636 Tactics +21,120 Health +45,689 Protection +190 Speed +222.00% Critical Damage +39.20% Potency +33.15% Tenacity +3,253 Physical Damage +52.86% Physical Critical Chance +1,984 Special Damage +27.28% Special Critical Chance +30.67% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +24.69% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Aurra Sing
+1,163 Strength +740 Agility +639 Tactics +25,635 Health +48,718 Protection +215 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +57.88% Potency +42.02% Tenacity +2,653 Physical Damage +42.00% Physical Critical Chance +1,835 Special Damage +18.00% Special Critical Chance +31.85% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +17.15% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Zam Wesell
+851 Strength +1,088 Agility +628 Tactics +20,153 Health +47,400 Protection +218 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +84.11% Potency +33.00% Tenacity +2,987 Physical Damage +46.92% Physical Critical Chance +1,916 Special Damage +20.13% Special Critical Chance +29.21% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +23.88% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+789 Strength +1,220 Agility +676 Tactics +16,840 Health +40,099 Protection +187 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +17.19% Potency +38.83% Tenacity +2,938 Physical Damage +63.44% Physical Critical Chance +2,081 Special Damage +33.86% Special Critical Chance +30.29% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +22.96% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
215 | 2,653 | 216.00% | 42.00% | 57.88% | 42.02% | 25,635 | 48,718 | 183 | 2,955 | 216.00% | 49.08% | 37.27% | 34.96% | 17,956 | 52,915 | 190 | 3,253 | 222.00% | 52.86% | 39.20% | 33.15% | 21,120 | 45,689 | 187 | 2,938 | 216.00% | 63.44% | 17.19% | 38.83% | 16,840 | 40,099 | 218 | 2,987 | 150.00% | 46.92% | 84.11% | 33.00% | 20,153 | 47,400 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Darkprior GP: 116,037 Stats: |
Jango Fett
+1,448 Strength +2,015 Agility +1,152 Tactics +46,739 Health +52,805 Protection +234 Speed +222.00% Critical Damage +70.22% Potency +49.64% Tenacity +5,783 Physical Damage +79.14% Physical Critical Chance +3,756 Special Damage +28.06% Special Critical Chance +44.25% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +27.18% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Boba Fett
+1,307 Strength +2,223 Agility +1,164 Tactics +42,067 Health +47,383 Protection +249 Speed +228.00% Critical Damage +58.45% Potency +93.05% Tenacity +6,188 Physical Damage +79.83% Physical Critical Chance +3,955 Special Damage +27.45% Special Critical Chance +48.28% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +37.71% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
+791 Strength +1,045 Agility +636 Tactics +26,671 Health +40,524 Protection +176 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +39.81% Potency +33.21% Tenacity +3,223 Physical Damage +49.45% Physical Critical Chance +2,113 Special Damage +25.12% Special Critical Chance +26.68% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +20.86% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Aurra Sing
+1,163 Strength +740 Agility +639 Tactics +27,162 Health +46,090 Protection +200 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +43.22% Potency +40.14% Tenacity +2,869 Physical Damage +44.42% Physical Critical Chance +1,880 Special Damage +19.17% Special Critical Chance +34.92% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +20.56% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Cad Bane
+861 Strength +1,234 Agility +734 Tactics +20,798 Health +52,195 Protection +186 Speed +216.00% Critical Damage +36.00% Potency +40.04% Tenacity +3,223 Physical Damage +53.64% Physical Critical Chance +2,047 Special Damage +24.10% Special Critical Chance +32.29% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +25.39% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
1 fight |
200 | 2,869 | 216.00% | 44.42% | 43.22% | 40.14% | 27,162 | 46,090 | 249 | 6,188 | 228.00% | 79.83% | 58.45% | 93.05% | 42,067 | 47,383 | 186 | 3,223 | 216.00% | 53.64% | 36.00% | 40.04% | 20,798 | 52,195 | 176 | 3,223 | 216.00% | 49.45% | 39.81% | 33.21% | 26,671 | 40,524 | 234 | 5,783 | 222.00% | 79.14% | 70.22% | 49.64% | 46,739 | 52,805 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Derek Tyler GP: 99,144 |
Stormtrooper Han
+943 Strength +1,026 Agility +636 Tactics +28,085 Health +63,399 Protection +199 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +33.17% Potency +28.00% Tenacity +2,443 Physical Damage +48.06% Physical Critical Chance +1,988 Special Damage +21.69% Special Critical Chance +34.58% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +16.94% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance XII
Cara Dune
+1,135 Strength +604 Agility +598 Tactics +33,469 Health +76,133 Protection +220 Speed +150.00% Critical Damage +45.00% Potency +40.63% Tenacity +3,203 Physical Damage +36.86% Physical Critical Chance +1,708 Special Damage +15.52% Special Critical Chance +28.65% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +25.57% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance 85
Captain Han Solo
+1,795 Strength +1,727 Agility +1,372 Tactics +56,154 Health +41,253 Protection +239 Speed +154.50% Critical Damage +50.00% Potency +56.28% Tenacity +3,771 Physical Damage +59.01% Physical Critical Chance +3,771 Special Damage +22.43% Special Critical Chance +49.66% Armor +7.25% Dodge Chance +38.38% Resistance +7.25% Deflection Chance 85
Rebel Officer Leia Organa
+1,601 Strength +1,940 Agility +1,089 Tactics +46,750 Health +62,899 Protection +246 Speed +220.50% Critical Damage +48.00% Potency +50.21% Tenacity +4,886 Physical Damage +71.76% Physical Critical Chance +3,689 Special Damage +30.22% Special Critical Chance +45.44% Armor +2.00% Dodge Chance +30.21% Resistance +2.00% Deflection Chance |
5 fights |
239 | 3,771 | 154.50% | 59.01% | 50.00% | 56.28% | 56,154 | 41,253 | 220 | 3,203 | 150.00% | 36.86% | 45.00% | 40.63% | 33,469 | 76,133 | 246 | 4,886 | 220.50% | 71.76% | 48.00% | 50.21% | 46,750 | 62,899 | 199 | 2,443 | 150.00% | 48.06% | 33.17% | 28.00% | 28,085 | 63,399 |